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Board Highlights - March 2023

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Students from Round Hill School visited with the Battle River School        Division Board of Trustees on March 9, to share some of what they’ve learned through their school’s focus on agriculture and food production.

The students, supported by teachers, members of the Round Hill Renaissance Agriculture Foundation and members of the community, have been learning to plant, grow, harvest and prepare fresh food.

At the Board meeting, the students used a game show format to ask questions and provide educational answers about food production. They shared information on everything from micronutrients and hydroponics to food preparation, composting and sharing leftovers.

Attendance Boundary Review Public Discussions Postponed

The BRSD Board of Trustees is going to be conducting an Attendance Boundary Review. Public meetings were scheduled for March 20, 21, April 3 and April 4.

However, the school division has now received budget information from Alberta Education that indicates significant changes to how Transportation will be offered in the future. They are extending Transportation service for K to 6 students to include anyone who lives 1.0 km from school and for 7 to 12 students to anyone who lives 2.0 km from school. BRSD needs to get more information about the impact of this change, so is postponing the  Attendance Boundary Review meetings temporarily.

Approving Capital Plans

Each year school divisions are required to present a capital plan request to the Alberta Government, outlining their top priorities for capital funding.

At the March 9 Board meeting, Trustees approved this year’s submission.

In addition, the Board reviewed and approved a 10-year capital plan,  which provides a longer-term look at capital funding priorities. As Battle River has multiple schools which are more than 50 years of age, the need for modernization, upgrading or replacement of aging schools is significant.

The capital plans will be available on the BRSD website by the end of March.


Members of the Board of Trustees, along with Superintendent of Schools Dr. Rita Marler, Assistant Superintendent Natasha Wilm and Secretary-Treasurer Imogene Walsh, participated in a full-day  learning session about governance, led by consultant Chris Smeaton on March 7.


BRSD Wishes All the Best to Retiring Superintendent… Superintendent's Message to Parents - March 2023