Administrative Procedures (Alphabetical)
This Administrative Procedures Manual is designed to be the primary written source of administrative direction for the Division. It is designed as an extension of policy, in the form of procedures. This Manual may make further reference to other detailed administrative documents that have been developed to provide specific guidelines on selected matters.
Procedures in the 100 section (general administrative) may include procedures applicable to 2 or more categories. Procedures in the 500 section (business administration) include finance, facilities, and student transportation matters.
Procedures in each section are listed alphabetically.
121 Administrative Procedure Development and Review
164 Air Quality
162 Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
163 Business Continuity Plan
166 Chemical, Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Materials Management
122 Communication Protocols
180 Copyrighted Materials
108 Corporate Donations, Gifts and Sponsorship
155 Dispute Resolution
132 Emergency Closure Of Schools
150 Emergency Preparedness and Response
150 Appendix
115 Expenses (Travel, Meals, and Hospitality)
124 Flag Protocols
181 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP)
181-1 Form
107 Fundraising
170 Harassment Free Work School Environment
170 Appendix (Organizational Commitment)
160 Healthy Schools and Worksites
141 Information Security
137 Leadership Technology - Devices
137 Appendix (Instructions for Care and Use)
161 OHS Roles and Responsibilities
161 Appendix
120 Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection)
120-1 Form
142 Records Management
130 Research Applications
167 Scent-Free Workplaces
110 School Councils
110 Appendix 1 - Annual Report Sample
110 Appendix 2 - Financial Report Sample
106 School Generated Funds (SGF)
103 School Education Reviews
191 Service/Comfort Dogs in School
191-1 Form - Service/Comfort Dogs in School - Letter of P/G Understanding
191-2 Form - Service/Comfort Dogs in School - Principal Checklist
191 Appendix - Service Dog Transportation Protocol
138 Social Media
138 Appendix - Guidelines
140 Technology (Internet and Network) Acceptable Use
139 Technology Network Account Maintenance
165 Tobacco, Alcohol And Drugs
135 Use of Personal Mobile Devices and Social Media in Schools
145 VoIP Phone Systems
213 Alternative Programs
205 Controversial Issues In The Classroom
207 Cultural And Religious Diversity
211 English as an Additional Language (EAL)
260 Field Trips
212 French As A Second Language (FSL)
209 French Immersion
250 Guidance and Counselling
230 Home Education
201 Hutterite Colony Schools
214 Inclusive Education Programming
261 International And National Travel Study
215 Knowledge And Employability
240 Learning Commons Resources
240 Learning Commons Resources Reconsideration (Appendix)
219 Locally Developed Courses
206 National Anthem In Schools
217 Off Campus Education
218 Outreach Programs
262 Provincial And Zone Competitions
270 Volunteer Coaches And Supervisors (Agents Of The Board)
301 Admission Of Exchange Students
303 Admission Of Expelled Students
302 Admission Of Foreign Students
304 Admission Of Independent Students
304-1 Form
305 Adult Students
317 Anaphylaxis
317 Appendix - Strategies
390 Appeals
360 Assessment Of Student Learning
370 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
314 Concussion
314 Appendix A (Concussion Recognition Tool)
314 Appendix B (Concussion Emergency Action Plan)
314 Appendix C (Concussion Plan for Return to Learn/Physical Activity)
314 Resource (Guidelines Athlete)
314 Resource (Guidelines Coach Trainer)
314 Resource (Guidelines Parent Caregiver)
314 Resource (Guidelines Teacher)
314 Resource (Parents Guide To Dealing With)
322 Custody Agreements
316 Medication Administration To A Student
380 Graduation/Farewell Celebrations (or Activities); includes Appendix 380
365 Seclusion And Physical Restraint
363 Specialized Assessment
315 Student Accidents
330 Student Attendance
350 Student Code Of Conduct
300 Student Entrance Age
361 Student Placement And Promotion
320 Student Records
355 Student Searches
356 Student Suspension And Expulsion
421 Administrator Contracts
402 Administrator Placements
442 Bus Driver Evaluation
416 Deferred Salary Leave Plan
420 Educational Upgrading Support For Support Staff
415 Educational Upgrading Support For Teaching Staff
409 Employee Discipline
400 Employee Responsibilities and Conduct
434 Grievance Procedures For Support Staff
422 Growth, Supervision and Evaluation of Administrators
422 Appendix - LQS
410 Hiring Practices For Professional Staff
430 Hiring Practices For School Support Staff
404 Leave Of Absence
425 Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP)
407 Long Service And Retirement Recognition
401 Nepotism
406 Participation In Community Or Political Activities
433 Performance And Probationary Reviews - Support Staff
408 Personal Use Of Division Equipment And Materials
414 Professional Growth Plans (PGP)
417 Reduction In Teaching Staff Work Force (Including Administrative Designations)
405 Secondments And Exchanges
412 Supervision And Evaluation - Teachers
412 Appendix - TQS
423 Supplementary Executive Retirement Program (SERP)
424 Supplementary Integrated Pension Plan (Non Registered) (SiPP)
426 Transition To Retirement - Support Staff
418 Transition To Retirement - Teachers
441 Transportation - Bus Driver Training
446 Transportation - Division Vehicles (excluding Buses)
446 Appendix
445 Transportation - Driver Licence Credentials And Demerits
431 Working Conditions Related To School Support Staff
563 Bus Transportation - Cell Phones (Bus Drivers)
570 Charitable Donation Receipts
516 Equipment and Furniture
545 Facility Rentals or Use
540 Facility Repair/Upgrading of School Buildings
540 Appendix - Guidelines
515 Purchasing
566 Safety Vests
569 Sales Calls And Demonstrations
568 School Bus Strobe Lights
506 Student Fee Waiver Requests
505 Student Fees
553 Transportation - Alternate Arrangements
562 Transportation - Bus Rentals by Non BRSD Groups
550 Transportation - Bus Routing and Scheduling (Gate Service And Yard Entry)
555 Transportation - Cancellation of Bus Routes (and other forms of transportation)
558 Transportation - Collisions and Near Misses
554 Transportation - Evacuation Practices
557 Transportation - Field and Extracurricular Trips
565 Transportation - Idling
559 Transportation - Private Vehicles (Field And Extracurricular Trips)
560 Transportation - Provided By Agent Parent
551 Transportation - Student Conduct
556 Transportation - Student Personal Items
552 Transportation - Student Winter Apparel
567 Transportation - Teacher Coach Driver Appointment
564 Transportation - Video Camera Use
517 Vehicle Purchasing and Disposition