Mental Health

Mental Health Capacity Building Team

Mental Health Capacity Building Program

The BRSD Mental Health Capacity Building (MHCB) Program works to promote positive mental health in children, youth and families in the schools and communities where they live. 

Funded by Recovery Alberta, the initiative is based on research and best practice that demonstrates that mental and emotional wellbeing can be developed, nurtured and supported through promotion and prevention efforts. MHCB resources are available on the MHCB Provincial site.

MHCB provides year round programming through classroom and community programming, with the aim of helping children, youth and families to have good mental health. Each BRSD school is supported by an MHCB Wellness Coach.

MHCB programming builds capacity of knowledge and skills, and bolsters protective factors in children and youth so they can achieve the best possible health outcomes across their lifespan.

Questions? Contact the MHCB Program Manager: 
Phone: (780) 672-6131

DAP Survey for Grades 7 to 12 BRSD Students

Grades 7 to 12 BRSD students in will have the opportunity to participate in the Developmental Assets Profile (DAP) survey, taking place from April 7 to 18, 2025.
Information for parents and caregivers on the DAP, as well as an opt-out form, will be sent out from your schools during the week of March 17.
To learn more about the DAP and the SEARCH Institute, you can review this information fact sheet.

Helpful Links

The mental health and well-being resources listed below are available for you and your family.

If you require immediate mental health support, please call 911.


Free Mental Health Support

Alberta Health Services: Help in Tough Times
24/7 help available. Information on where to find services and supports, and online resources.

Mental Health Resource Libraries

Kickstand Alberta: Mental Health 
A regularly updated resource library for students and families.

Kids Mental Health: Kids Mental Health
Parents mental health educational resource. 

Here to Help: Mental Health and Substance Use Information Resource Library 

Helping Youth With Their Mental Health

Canadian Mental Health Association: By Their Side: A step-by-step guide for adults helping youth with their mental health.

Stress and Anxiety


Stress in Children and Teenagers: Stress in Children and Teenagers
Signs of stress and ways parents can help. 


eMentalHealth: Anxiety in Children and Youth: Information for Parents and Caregivers
Information on what Anxiety in kids may look like and where to find support.

Kickstand: Living with Anxiety
Signs of Anxiety Disorder and information on what to do and when to get help.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Children: Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Children: Care Instructions 
Direction for caregivers on how they can support children and youth with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.


Kickstand: Low Mood & Living With Depression 
Signs of Depression and  information on what to do and when to get help.

Government of Alberta, MyHealth: Depression in Children and Teens
Information on what Depression is, what causes it, the symptoms, and what to do to support children and teens. 

Promoting Resilience

Alberta Family Wellness Initiative
Building Resilient Brains: Brain Architecture and Development
Information on how to support children’s brain development to encourage resilience. 

Mindset Works: How Parents Can Instill a Growth Mindset at Home 
What is a growth mindset? How caregivers can support flexible thinking and resilience.

Self-Care and Wellness Strategies


Mindfulness in the Classroom: Teaching Mindfulness in the Classroom for Improved Focus
Information on Mindfulness and how it can be applied to support student mental health.

Movement and Exercise

Alberta Health Services: Move Your Mood 
Information on how movement can benefit mental health.

Participation: ParticipACTION 
Getting more active to promote well-being.


Government of Canada: Canada's Food Guide 
Tips and resources for Healthy Eating

Sleep Hygiene

Anxiety Canada: Getting a Good Night’s Sleep 
Tips to address sleep problems and promote wellness.

Sleep Hygiene: Sleep hygiene wellness article
Information on sleep hygiene and and why we all need it to stay well.

Online Safety

Media Smarts: Canada’s Centre for Digital Media Literacy
Parent Resources: Blogs, games, tip sheets, guides, workshops and tutorials, and videos. 

Canadian Centre for Child Protection: 
Information about online harms and how caregivers can protect their children.