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Board Highlights - December 2022

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Board Members Enjoying Attending Events

During the ‘pandemic years’ it was less common for schools to host public events. This fall, Trustees have been appreciating the opportunity to attend school assemblies and games, awards nights, concerts and more.

Acknowledging Long Service

 Members of the Board of Trustees have also been celebrating staff this fall, by visiting schools to present long service recognition items directly to staff who have reached milestones of service.

 Human Resources Update

Natasha Wilm, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, shared a staffing update with the Board of Trustees at their December meeting. There are  currently 720 full and part-time staff working in Battle River School  Division, as well as 250 additional substitute staff, including teachers, educational   assistants, administrative assistants and bus drivers.

Staffing levels across BRSD have remained relatively constant since last school year. 

The Division continues to recruit employees for a variety of positions, as vacancies arise.  To find out what positions are currently available, check the Career Section of the BRSD website:  https://www.brsd.ab.ca/careers .

International Travel Plans

The Board reviewed and approved in principle two proposals from schools hoping to participate in International Travel Studies in the years ahead. The first was from Bawlf School, which is planning a trip to Portugal and Spain in Spring 2024 and the second was from Daysland School, which is planning a trip to Peru in the Spring of 2025.


Insurance Update

Secretary-Treasurer Imogene Walsh had good news to share with the Board, letting them know that, due to our division’s strong risk management activities and an overall reduction in claims, there has been a slight reduction in BRSD’s insurance premiums.

Borrowing Resolution

The BRSD Board is finalizing details of a Borrowing Resolution, which would support the school division borrowing money, if necessary, to complete renovations of a replacement Division Office building.

Policy Changes

The BRSD Board’s Policy Committee reviews each of the Board’s policies on an annual basis. At the December meeting of the Board, Policy Committee Chair Dwight Dibben recommended changes to Policy 16 (School / Program Closure) and Policy 8 (Board Operations).

The changes to Policy 16 reduce the need for the Superintendent to report enrollment figures to the Board on an annual basis.

The changes to Policy 8 are to the Expenses—Travel Allowance (annual) for Board members, reflecting the increased distance and amount of travel of each of the five Trustees. The increases, depending upon in which area a Trustee lives, ranged from 15% to 665%.

Engaging with Communities

The BRSD Board of Trustees is hoping to meet with a variety of municipal partners over the course of their term. In the coming months, Trustees have plans to meet with the Camrose County Council and the Flagstaff County Council.




Superintendent's Message to Parents - January 2023 Superintendent's Message to Parents - December 2022