Media Release: BRSD Commemorates Indigenous Veterans Day and Remembrance Day
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BRSD Commemorates Indigenous Veterans Day and Remembrance Day
Battle River School Division (BRSD) is proud to acknowledge the significance of Indigenous Veterans Day on November 8 and Remembrance Day on November 11, honouring the sacrifices and service of all who have contributed to peace efforts, both past and present.
BRSD schools will host ceremonies and educational activities to honour the sacrifices of all who have served and continue to serve, including members of the Canadian Armed Forces and Indigenous veterans, recognizing their significant contributions to our nation’s history.
From November 9 to 11, between 7 and 10 a.m., a Killam Public School student voice will broadcast a BRSD message of remembrance on 840 CFCW and 98.1 New Country radio stations.
Rhae-Ann Holoien, superintendent of schools, is proud of students and staff for the care and thought put into this acknowledgement and commemoration.
“These opportunities provide students with time to reflect on themes of bravery, sacrifice and peace,” says Holoien. “BRSD is committed to teaching our students about the contributions of soldiers and all who contribute to peacekeeping efforts along with the diverse stories that make up our shared history.”
Through presentations, moments of silence, classroom learning activities, and discussions, BRSD students will be encouraged to reflect on the importance of unity and peace. BRSD honours the contributions of all who have served, past and present, in Canada’s military and peacekeeping efforts. Education plays an essential role in preserving these memories, fostering respect, and deepening understanding of both historical and current contributions.
As per Government of Canada regulations, BRSD flags will be in half-mast position on November 11 and raised when school resumes on November 18. To learn more about remembrance and history of Canadian remembrance, please visit the Government of Canada website.