Media Release: Unlocking Academic Excellence, BRSD Highlights Benefits of French Immersion
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Unlocking Academic Excellence, BRSD Highlights Benefits of French Immersion
Battle River School Division (BRSD) is proud to emphasize numerous advantages of its French Immersion programming, which provides students with a meaningful educational experience. In this program, students learn in an environment that fosters bilingualism and cultural appreciation, enhancing cognitive skills to prepare for a globalized world.
Advanced education through language provides each student the potential to evolve even beyond their goals. BRSD believes that its fundamental purpose is to promote student learning, growth and understanding, and that every student can learn.
All are welcome in BRSD’s French Immersion program. It is not only for students who already understand French, but an opportunity for all students.
BRSD French Language Coordinator, Terry Kennedy oversees the program and encourages any student who is interested in the countless benefits of bilingualism to join French Immersion.
“Oftentimes, parents believe they need to speak French or their child requires experience with the language before registering,” says Kennedy. “However, French Immersion is open for any student looking to learn French.”
BRSD’s French Immersion program offers entry at two stages. Students can start Early French Immersion in Kindergarten and Grade 1 at École Sifton School, and Late French Immersion in Grade 6 at École Charlie Killam School.
French Immersion is proven to be an effective method of language education, allowing students to develop proficiency in both English and French while mastering core academic subjects. The curriculum does not change.
“Students enrolled in French Immersion learn the same curriculum as their English counterparts,” says Kennedy. “The curriculum is simply taught in French.”
In addition to benefits such as career preparation, cultural appreciation and global competence, research consistently demonstrates that bilingualism enhances cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills and creativity. Benefits include:
- adept language skills support professional academic pursuits
- deeper understanding of the rich diversity of the Francophone world
- enhanced cognitive function such as improved memory and problem-solving skills
- international connections and cross-cultural understanding
- paved career path with bilingualism as a highly sought-after skill
Parents interested in enrolling their child in BRSD's French Immersion program or learning more are encouraged to contact:
Early French Immersion registration:
Chad Ramsay
Principal of École Sifton School
(780) 672-2980
Late Entry French Immersion registration:
Sabrina Heydorn
Assistant Principal of École Charlie Killam School
(780) 672-7785
High School registration:
Shane Gau
Principal of École Camrose Composite High School
(780) 672-4416
BRSD’s dedicated staff is available to provide details on its enrolment process and curriculum, as well as answer any questions parents may have about this enriching educational opportunity.
Please visit BRSD’s website for more information about French Immersion and Late French Immersion programming. BRSD hopes you enjoy this video created by École Sifton students.